Fulfilling a Dream; every child is unique and deserves the chance to dream, to achieve incredible things and to look forward to a wonderful future. By becoming a sponsor you’re helping break the cycle of poverty for a sponsored child. Education is key and we believe in investing in children from underserved communities who need it become greater people to society.
Education is one area we commit much attention and resources into; this is to ensure that every Ghanaian or African child living anywhere has access to basic teaching and learning materials to enhance studies. The Books for Change (BFC) project seeks to achieve a change in the reading habits of children and a successful completion of basic education for advantaged children in Northern Ghana. With support from groups like I BELIEVE IN READING and individuals we normally donate reading materials to Yikene primary and Sumbrungu Primary and Junior high school all in the Upper East region. Reading clubs have been formed to test for the results of the project in these schools which allows voluntary participation of children who come together to read books of their choices during their leisure time (during and after school sessions), teachers have been assigned to supervise these period and assist them in reading. The project still seeks to reach out to a larger target population as time goes on.